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Remodelers Advantage presents BUILD AID

Virtual Conference

Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 10:30 AM (EDT) to Thursday, April 2, 2020 at 7:30 PM (EDT)

Event Details

NARI is excited to help spread the word about Build Aid, an event hosted by Remodelers Advantage on Wednesday, April 1 and Thursday, April 2 from 10:30am to 7:30pm EST.

Build Aid is a FREE, two-day virtual conference that will “Help Remodelers Survive Now and Thrive After.” Top industry leaders are lined up to provide some great sessions. Topics will range from Cash is King: Creating Cash in a Time of Crisis to How to Increase Profit Margins in Any Scenario -- Even Worst-Case and much more.

24 of the industry's most brilliant minds come together to help guide you through this crisis.

The virtual conference center includes:

Session Hall: Where each presentation will be live-streamed to your desktop or mobile device.

Sponsor Pavilion: Visit virtual booths to learn more from the partners that helped make this possible.

Networking Lounge: Connect with speakers, staff and other attendees, or catch up on news and thoughts from the Remodelers Advantage social media feed.