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NARI Annual Conference - CANCELLED

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 to Friday, April 24, 2020

Tradewinds Island Grand Resort St. Petersburg, FL

Event Details

Official announcement from NARI National:

As the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to impact every aspect of our lives, we want to inform you that the NARI 2020 Annual Conference has been cancelled. Registration fee refunds will be processed within the next 30 days.

Please contact the TradeWinds Island Grand Beach Resort directly to cancel your hotel reservation, without penalty, up to 72 hours before scheduled check-in.

Please note, we will be hosting the House of Delegates Meeting, Officer Elections, the National Contractor of the Year, and Achievement Award Winner reveals virtually.

The NARI National Spring Conference. Your Delegates will represent the Chapter. All Atlanta members are encouraged to attend.


To book your hotel room call 800-808-9833 and mention the NARI 2020 Annual Conference to get the group rate.

For More Information:

NARI National